To help guide in worship during this week

Weekly WOrship Guide

Living the Deeper Life: Jesus’ Authority and Our Mission

As we continue through the “Living the Deeper Life” series, we now focus our attention on the Great

Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. As we seek to live out the deeper life of Christ, we recognize that

this involves following Jesus in obedience, growing in grace, fostering a genuine faith family, serving others with gladness, and boldly proclaiming the gospel. But at the heart of our mission lies the call to make disciples of all nations, grounded in Jesus’ absolute authority.

Jesus’ Absolute Authority:

In Matthew 28:18, Jesus declares, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” This verse is the key verse in the gospel of Matthew and the foundation upon which our mission is built. As believers, our response to this declaration is twofold: we are to worship Jesus, acknowledging His sovereign rule over all creation, and we are to live out the Great Commission, taking His message to the ends of the earth. Our church’s mission statement begins with the call to live the deeper life of Christ, rooted in Colossians 2:6-7. To live this deeper life, we must first grasp the significance of Jesus’ authority. It is not just a theological concept but a reality that shapes how we live, worship, and engage in mission. Jesus’ authority compels us to follow Him in obedience, as outlined in Mark 8:34, where we are called

to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. This obedience is the starting point for living a life that reflects Christ’s lordship.

The Great Commission: Our Mission

The Great Commission, begins with the word “Go.” This command to go is closely connected to the central command to “make disciples.” As we reflect on our mission at Connect Church, it becomes clear that the command to go is not optional. It is an integral part of our calling as followers of Jesus. We are to move beyond the walls of our church, reaching out to our communities and the world with the life-changing gospel message. Making disciples is the primary task given to us by

Jesus. This task involves baptizing new followers of Jesus in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe all that Jesus has commanded. Baptism and teaching are essential components of discipleship, marking

the beginning of a disciples walk with Him and their ongoing growth in faith. In the context of our church’s mission, making disciples means more than just evangelizing. It involves developing new followers of Jesus, helping them grow in grace, as

highlighted in 2 Peter 3:18a. It means fostering a genuine faith family, where followers of Jesus are supported, encouraged, and held accountable in their walk with Jesus, as seen in Acts 3:32. Our goal is to see individuals not just come to faith but to be transformed by the renewing of their minds and hearts, fully committed to living for Jesus.

Serving and Proclaiming: The Outward Expression of Our Faith

As we make disciples, we are also called to serve others with gladness, following the example of Jesus, who came not to be served but to serve (Psalm 100:2a; 1 Peter 4:10; Matthew 20:28). Serving others is an expression of the deeper life we are called to live. It is a visible demonstration of Jesus’ love in action. At Connect Church, we seek to promote a culture of service, where every member is equipped and encouraged to use their gifts to bless others and glorify God. Additionally, our mission includes boldly proclaiming the life-changing gospel message (Ephesians 6:15). The gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, and it is our responsibility to share this message with urgency and clarity. As we proclaim the gospel, we do so to the glory of God, ensuring that He receives all the honor and praise for the work of salvation in the lives of individuals and communities.

The Ultimate Purpose: Making Disciples

At the core of our mission is the purpose of making disciples. This task is not just for pastors or missionaries; it is the calling of every follower of Jesus. As we live out the deeper life of Christ, we are to be intentional in our relationships, seeking opportunities to share the gospel, disciple others, and help them grow in their faith. Making disciples is a process that requires patience, commitment, and reliance on the Holy Spirit. It involves walking alongside others, teaching them the truths of Scripture, and encouraging them to live out their faith in every aspect of life. It is a labor of love that

reflects the heart of Jesus, who invested in His disciples and sent them out to do the same.

Jesus’ Presence: Our Source of Strength

Finally, as we engage in the mission of making disciples, we are reminded of Jesus’ promise in Matthew 28:20b: “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” This knowledge of Jesus' presence gives us courage and strength.

We don’t walk alone; the risen Lord Jesus is with us, equipping us to carry out the Great Commission. In the “Living the Deeper Life” series, I have been encouraging us to fully embrace our church’s mission statement. As we follow Jesus in

obedience, grow in grace, foster a genuine faith family, serve others with gladness, and boldly proclaim the gospel, we do so with the confidence that Jesus, who has all authority, is with us every step of the way. Let us go out into the world and

live the deeper life of Christ, making disciples of all people, and bringing glory to God in all that we do.

Pastor Bert

Preparation for sunday, August 25th

Sermon Series:  Living the Deeper Life in Christ

Title:   Jesus' Authority and Mission

Passage:  Matthew 28:18-20

Reflection  for Sunday:  Read verses cited

Application  for Sunday:  How can we, as a community at

Connect Church, better embody the mission of making disciples, and what steps can we take together to ensure that our church is both a sending and serving body in alignment with the Great Commission?

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mapClick here for info on how to join us for worship.

Sunday August 25th

worship focus

Leader: Sarah

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we

may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16

  • All the Poor and Powerless

           if h have you


    Link to YouTube for this week's song 1 of worship

  •                                                                  God You Reign

    Link to YouTube for this week's song 2 of worship

  • Sing to the king

    Link to YouTube for this week's song 3 of worship

Connect Church Prayer Gram

August 18th, 2024

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,” 1 Timothy 2:1

Call to Worship: Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle! 9 Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory! Selah Psalm 24:8-10

Prayer of Adoration: Pray this praise to God: “Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods?

Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? Exodus 15:11

Confess your sins to God: Confess your sins to God: Almighty God, you have raised Jesus from the grave and crowned him Lord of all. We confess that we have not bowed before him or acknowledged his rule in our lives as we ought. We have gone along with the way of the world and failed to give him glory. Forgive us and raise us from sin, that we may be your faithful people, obeying the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ, who rules the world and is head of the church, his body. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon: Receive these words of comfort from God: O Lord, I am astonished at the difference between my receivings and my deservings, between the state I am now in and my past gracelessness, between the heaven I am bound for and the hell I merit. Who made me to differ but thee? For I was no more ready to receive Christ than were others; I could not have begun to love thee hadst thou not first loved me, or been willing unless thou hadst first made me so. O that such a crown should fit the head of such a sinner! Such high advancement be for an unfruitful person! Such joys for so vile a rebel! O that I may love thee as thou lovest me, that I may walk worthy of thee, my Lord. May I always see thy beauty with the clear eye of faith, and feel the power of thy Spirit in my heart, for unless he move mightily in me no inward fire will be kindled. Portions of Puritan prayers “Valley of Vision” Peril, The Mover, Need of Jesus


Pray for those in local, state, and national offices.


Pray for our partners in Spain

Panta ta Ethne (Matthew 28:19 “all nations”):  Macedonian Albanians in North Macedonia


Persecuted Church: Comoros & Tajikistan (see insert)